Monday 1 July 2019


Creative writing refers to that piece of writing which do not follow the regular way of writing. It tends to mirror life’s experiences and entertains its audience.

Creative writing could take any of these forms:
 Prose: this refers to any written story of people or events. It could either be a fiction or nonfiction. Since the focus is on creative writing, prose could be defined as a story that is invented and not an account of something that actually happened.  Examples of this type of prose are: novels, novellas and short stories.

Poetry: poetry is any piece of writing with a pattern of lines which sometimes rhymes in sound. These lines could either be arranged in stanzas or verses. Poetry expresses thoughts, emotions and employs words which excite the imagination. Examples of types of poems are: epic, ballad, free verse, lyrics, dirge/elegy etc.

 Drama: This is a piece of writing which through dialogue is enacted on a stage by actors before an audience. The characters in drama imitate the characters, actions and speech patterns of people in real life. Some types of drama are: Comedy , Tragedy, Tragicomedy, Farce, etc.

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