Tuesday 22 October 2019

Helen of Troy.

Beauty and charm,
Forged by the hands of the gods.
They say in her bossom,
you find bloom.
Yet in her heart doom.
They say the gods themselves,
set her on her path.
A path that criss-crosses
The path of all men.
A path no man will fully understand.
A knowledge
For which we forever
Draw arms,
Speaches and strategies.
The beast thinks he owns her.
And Prince charming to the rescue.
For blood and honour,
Or love.
For which do you battle?
Men will die!
Legions will fall,
And generations will follow...

Will she bring peace
After a life time of war?
Will she?
No man has adequate answers,
There is no end!
O! Helen of Troy.
What is the purpose of creation,
when you live to destroy!

For women the world over.
Poem by TSM.
(c)14 Aug. 2013

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