Monday 21 March 2022

Happy World Poetry Day


Poetry is an interesting genre of literature. It is a great way to express yourself. Different cultures of the world somehow have poetry embedded in them. This is why poetry should be paid attention to, as a unique way of expression.

You might like to know some things about poems:

1.      They are written in lines and stanzas

2.      They have rhythms which give them that musical feeling

3.      They mostly feature the use of sound devices such as, alliteration and assonance

4.      They feature some figures of speech

5.      Repetition of some words is employed for emphasis in most poems

6.      Poetry also employs the use of imagery to enrich its language

Some common types of poems;

1.   Free verse poem: As the name implies,  it is a poem with no particular structure. Most free verse poems have run on lines.

2. Octave: This is a poem or a stanza of eight lines

3. Acrostic poem: This type of poem spells a word with the first letters of all its lines

4.  Rhyme Poems. Poems are interesting to read, when some words rhyme in sounds

5. Sonnet: This is a poem of fourteen lines.


     Light Up

Making people happy makes me feel


Sometimes this is hard but


Determination always wins

Although it appears futile

Never give up on passion


Just like a glowing light

Uniqueness stands us out

Making us special

But only when we move

Out of the ordinary


I am sure you can figure out what type of poem this is.

Happy World Poetry Day!