Tuesday 27 August 2019

The Tool of the Writer

It is just not enough to put words down on paper, a writer should be able to establish his targeted audience, know the right words to use and know how to use those words to achieve his objective.

Building a rich word bank becomes important, as the need to express ideas better through words grows.  Anyone involved directly or indirectly with expression of ideas, whether written or verbal, should task themselves to have a rich resource of words.

At a just concluded teachers  training program   on “Literacy”, one of the facilitators, Miss Pepetual Chiwendu Igwe, expounded on vocabulary development, as one of the ways to help with literacy in the twenty first century. According to her, if educators would do their homework well, the students in their custody would gradually start building their own word bank.
Miss Pepetual Chiwendu Igwe on literacy

There are many ways of going round a subject, this is where creativity comes in. what gives a writer that unique expression, is his or her ability to use words in a creative way. Creative writing, is a product of creative thinking and creative thinking,  is a product of what the mind has been exposed to. Of course, there are many things that spur creativity, but for the writer, having a rich word bank is key.

Nobody wants to read a writing piece filled with repeated words, when there is something more appealing to read. Writings that are spiced up with choice words are more interesting and catch the reader’s attention more. Apart  from the information they provide, such writings educate the readers by giving them the opportunity to also learn new words.

To have your own unique voice, learn the craft of words and trade with them!