Wednesday 26 June 2019

Bright Tunnel

Baby steps
I just desire to know
How does it feel?
I want to be a success surely
But on some days
I'm too passionate I let my dreams run themselves
Or maybe I'm just a being who wants to be herself
These steps do count
But I'd rather get the whole bunch

Poem by Chika Agbo

Sweet Dreams

My dreams, so sweet
Not how I sleep
But the me while I sleep still
Sweet dreams, so enticing
When my physical eyes are close to my inner sight
My portrait of a thousand years
Behold in a night's dream
Oh sweet dreams
How sweet and swift the journey to eternal seems
Sweet dreams so precious
Sweeps away the storms of life
Dreams so sweet, never want  to wake up.

Poem by Eunicent Yakoro

Sunday 16 June 2019

Little Foxes

They are hidden and often not seen
They are powerful and destructive 
They find expression without being invited 
Sometimes they rear their heads 
We fail to take note because they are so small
The little things about you that mar you 
Are not your friends don't let them stay
They are little foxes which destroy your vine